
Is It Really Necessary to Memorize Scripture?

Memorizing a chapter is easier than memorizing 18 scattered verses because most chapters are a flowing story.

How Does Understanding God’s Happiness Change Lives?

As much as I believe in the holiness of God, I also believe in emphasizing God’s happiness as a legitimate and effective way to share the gospel with unbelievers or to help Christians regain a foothold in their faith.

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

Here are three ways to discover what God's will is for this season of your life.

Learning to Listen Well

The keys to getting better at hearing people with humility, love and hope.

Growing Our Capacity to Love

If we want to grow in our love for others, let us return and be reminded over and over again just how deeply, completely, and wonderfully God has loved us in Christ.

How to Think About Difficult People

Maybe the difficult people in our lives are there for a reason.

Can Hardship Really Be Good?

When God’s definition of “good” is different than ours

10 Ways to Navigate Our Growing Infodemic

With all the glut of information and voices, how do you separate fact from fiction?

10 Habits of Spiritually Dry Leaders

Are we going to the source of living water, or trying to do it all in our own strength?

Are You Ready for the Fight?

Spiritual warfare is a reality we need to take seriously.

When You Find Yourself Drifting

The love of Christ meets us in those in between times when we are tempted to stray.