7 Ways This Year Can Be Better Than Last Year

I realize 2022 was a struggle for some believers. We live in a fallen world, and Christians face the same storms others face. This new year can be better, though, and here are some reasons why:

  1. God’s mercies are new every morning, and great is His faithfulness (Lam 3:22-23). That means each day is a new day and each year is a new year. His mercies await you this day, and He will be faithful to you. Lean on Him regardless of what you’ve faced in the past year. 
  2. Somebody’s praying for you. Even if you, for some reason, can’t name anyone, you can know this: Jesus is praying for you, and the Spirit takes up intercession for you when you struggle (Rom 8:26, 34). What else do you need to know in this new year? 
  3. You’re not alone. God lives in you through His Spirit. And, you’re part of the body of Christ who rejoice together and weep together. We’re hardly all we’re called to be, but the Christian family really is special. Somebody wants to walk with you. 
  4. God is not surprised by what you’ve faced in the past, nor will He be surprised by what you face in the future. We are often caught off guard when we face difficult times, but God sovereignly guides and guards us. He knows you, your situation, and His plan for you—and, I might add, He’s not worried about any of it, either. 
  5. God is still in the process of conforming you to the image of His Son (Rom 8:29). He continues making us more like Jesus—a process that usually requires God to break us, change us, and continually transform us. He’s still up to that in your life, which means you could be more like Jesus than ever before in 2023. 
  6. You can start today walking more faithfully with Him. We’re just one day into the new year, so there’s time to renew your commitment to Bible study, prayer, church participation, etc. God has given you this day—so use it well and wisely. 
  7. A LOT can happen in the next year. Again, none of it will surprise God, but that doesn’t mean He won’t move in unexpected or spectacular ways in the next year of your life. Only He knows where you will be next January 2nd. Trust Him every day between now and then, and 2023 can be a better year. 

Let us know if you would like us to pray for you this week. Blessings on the new year!

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This article originally appeared on ChuckLawless.com and is reposted here with permission.

Chuck Lawless
Chuck Lawlesshttp://ChuckLawless.com

Chuck Lawless is dean and vice president of graduate studies and ministry centers at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and global theological education consultant for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.