Tag: creation

Beyond the Creation-Evolution Debate

Overlaying the maps of these two intellectual worlds—the Bible’s and evolutionary science’s—will show us the various routes they each forge to conceptualize the world we know today.

Exploring Creation

Creation Genesis 1 tells about God’s creation of light and time, of the sky, the oceans, and the earth. God sets up the sun and...

Exploring the Theme of Creation in Bondage

The contention of this series of articles is that the Bible is set in the land of wild things. That is, the Bible is...

In the Beginning, God Blessed

God's first act toward humanity tells us a lot about who he is.

Why God Cares About the Physical Earth

“God is committed to the earth that he has made, and he delights when we rejoice in the good things he has given us to enjoy.”

Countering the Gospel of Consumerism

We must counter our culture's gospel of consumerism with the true gospel and God-inspired creativity.