Tag: Connexus Church Toronto

Carey Nieuwhof: Didn’t See It Coming

Overcoming the 7 Greatest Challenges That No One Expects and Everyone Experiences

Leadership and Suicide: When Ending It Seems Like The Only Way Out

“Maybe you’ve thought the only way through your pain is to end your pain. It’s not.”

9 Surprising Challenges You’ll Face When Your Church Grows

Growth is something we're all pursuing, but it comes with its own unique challenges.

5 Signs You’re A Lone Ranger Leader

Are you afraid to surrender control of projects to your team? You might be a Lone Ranger leader. Here are other signs.

How to Get All Your Work Done

All people, especially leaders, struggle with productivity. Here are ways you can cut down on distractions and get stuff done.

Church Attendance Is Dying. Here’s What’s Next.

Consumers are leaving church in droves and attendance is dropping. Here's how that will shape the church's future.

5 Destructive Things We Say to Ourselves

Are you thinking any of these negative things about yourself? Here's how to flip those comments on their head.

7 Surprising Signs Your Church Is (Finally) Reaching Unchurched People

When unchurched people start showing up at your church, things change. Here are some signs you're reaching the unchurched.