Tag: church budgeting

The Momentus Maintenance Challenge

Ministry is about strategic micro-steps moving forward inches at a time to accomplish a long-term goal.

Annual Church Budget: A Road Map for the Coming Year

Pray through every line item. We should not expect God to work through the budget unless it gets special attention through prayer.

Future-Forward Budgeting

Future-forward budgeting forces the tough conversations not driven by personalities or desires but through data-driven decision-making, which comes directly from the numbers.

Who Makes Your Church’s Budget?

Pastors indicate more variety in who is involved in creating their church’s budget. Most say the trustees or church board (77%), the treasurer (69%), the pastor (61%) and a finance or stewardship committee (58%) are involved in creating the budget.

5 Ways to Work With a Tight Church Budget

Easing the stress of finances during lean times

Church Budgeting Book Free for Ministries

Advice for creating a strategy-driven budget.