Tag: cancer

Can Cancer Be God’s Servant? What I Saw in My Wife’s Last Four Years

As one of our grandsons sat beside her, listening to her struggling to speak and to me reading powerful words from her journals, he said, “Grams, if you can trust God in this, I know I can trust Him in whatever I’ll go through.” Another grandson told her, “I will never forget what you said to us today.”

Timothy Keller: Becoming Stewards of Hope—Part 1

“Hope can set us free from both the despair of nihilism and the naivety of utopianism.”

Timothy Keller: Experiencing the Reality of God’s Presence—Part 2

“A hopeful church is a church that comes around people experiencing tragedy and gives themselves away for those people.”

The Here and Now

Cancer survivors understand the difference between chronos and kairos.