Tag: Bible engagement

5 Concerning Trends Related to Bible Engagement

How our society is being affected as people become less engaged with the Bible

What Happens When People Engage With the Bible?

Encouraging findings from the latest State of the Bible research from the American Bible Society.

Why We Must Keep Returning to the Bible

Engaging with God's living and active Word

How (Not) to Read the Bible

Is it still “the Good Book”? That depends on how we read it.

Discipleship and Media Detox

“We need to disciple out some of the more harmful aspects of our culture.”

7 Ways Pastors Unintentionally Discourage Their People From Reading the Bible

Many of our attenders will not crack the Bible until they hear your next sermon. Why?

3 Tools to Encourage Bible Engagement During COVID-19

Bible reading is down during the pandemic. Here are ways to encourage it.