William Vanderbloemen

William Vanderbloemen (@WVanderbloemen) is the president and CEO of The Vanderbloemen Search Group and the co-author (with Warren Bird) of Next: Pastoral Succession That Works. He holds degrees from Wake Forest University and Princeton Theological Seminary.

Should I Stay or Go?

7 indicators it may be time to leave your church

Wise Transitions

How not to be an unintentional interim pastor

Rebuilding the Wall

What we can learn from Nehemiah about helping our broken world

4 Trends in Healthy Succession Planning

How to make a leadership transition as smooth as possible

What’s Your Staff Candidate’s ‘Operating System’?

If you’re hiring for a church or faith-based organization, you should know whether your team members are the right faith fit in the same...

Starting the Succession Conversation

Why your staffing plans matter now more than ever.

3 Things That Don’t Belong on Résumés

When it comes to representing yourself, less is more.

How Churches Are Gathering During the Time of Social Distancing

Churches all over the country are getting creative about how they are meeting.