Scotty Smith & Russ Masterson

Scotty Smith is the founding pastor and pastor emeritus of Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee, which he pastored for 26 years. He presently serves as teacher in residence of West End Community Church. He also serves as adjunct faculty for Covenant Seminary, Westminster Theological Society (Philadelphia), Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando), and Western Seminary (Portland). Scotty has authored or co-authored 10 books, including Unveiled Hope (with Michael Card) and Everyday Prayers.

Russ Masterson is the founding and senior pastor of Christ the Redeemer Church of Marietta. He is also the author of three books: a memoir, 40 Days without Food; a novel, Adao’s Dance; and his newest release, co-authored with Scotty Smith, Searching for Grace.

Me, Myself and Why? The Secret of True Success

Excerpted From 'Searching for Grace' (Tyndale)