Church members from all three churches purchase goods they probably would have bought elsewhere anyway, except now their money is poured back into uplifting the community.
Outreach is such an important part of GateWay’s mission that earlier this year, they left their rented commercial space for a more affordable spot in the local community center in order to free up more of the church’s funds for outreach.
For the small church, a blood drive is an easy, no-cost way to give to others, and is perhaps more impactful and life-changing (and life-saving) than any amount of money could be.
When visitors do decide to check out a Sunday service, Kelley says, they’re often happy to find a teaching team made up of four Hope pastors, plus two others from different churches, who rotate Sundays.
The entire congregation, specifically the older folks, have been very welcoming of the changes that come with younger demographics, who bring with them different preferences when it comes to worship style and church experience.