Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney and church planter. He writes one of today’s most influential leadership blogs, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. His most recent book, At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy and Priorities Working in Your Favor, is designed to help you live a life you no longer want to escape from. Instead, you might actually start loving it.

5 Disruptive Cultural Trends Affecting the Church

Paying attention to and learning from these cultural trends will help your church adapt and thrive.

How the Enneagram Relates to Your Leadership

The key to healthy organizations and churches is healthy leaders.

What Will Church Attendance Look Like in the Future?

Here are 10 big questions driven by church attendance trends, geared to help you find a solution.

How to Balance Results and People As a Leader

Which is a better leadership approach, caring more about results or people? Neither ... and both.

How to Leverage Podcasting to Reach New People

Podcasting is an untapped resource for church leaders; here's how to make it work for you.

Why Charismatic Churches Are Growing (and Attractional Churches Are Past Peak)

The expectations and needs of today's unchurched person are shifting in significant ways we need to be aware of.

5 Big Surprises Nobody Told Me About Church Growth

Here are some tough lessons I learned the hard way about church growth.

4 Things That Shouldn’t Drive Church Growth (and One Thing That Should)

There is one primary thing that should be driving church growth. Here are four things that shouldn't be.