Tag: Alex Murashko

Be Prepared for Today

The more we prepare by seeking God first, the better equipped we will be for any reality.

Realize Your Way Isn’t Working

We have a clear choice. Victory or defeat. Life or death. Heaven or hell. Abide in Jesus or wither and be thrown into the fire.

What Is God’s Glorious Word?

As God reveals himself more and more to his followers, they begin to more fully understand that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:5).

A Different Kind of Hope

We discover that being a prisoner of hope in Jesus Christ is life-giving. He is the path to ultimate freedom.

Why You Should Preach the Gospel to Yourself Every Day

The gospel is not something that happened; it is happening. We are only beginning to see its beauty.

5 Scriptures to Give You Hope This Year

The cure for 2024? The good news: Jesus Christ.

A Spiritual Awakening Outside the Church Walls

We need the things of the Spirit to engage in culture and if we're called into politics, or into business or into education systems, be salt and light to the world.

When You Still Feel Condemned

Feelings of condemnation disappear – sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. In His timing, you will be able to set aside what others may think of you or act towards you. God loves you no matter what!