
The Gift of Life

For the small church, a blood drive is an easy, no-cost way to give to others, and is perhaps more impactful and life-changing (and life-saving) than any amount of money could be.

Podcasting Ministry the Easy Way

By transforming livestreams into podcasts, ministries can transcend geographical boundaries and time constraints, and build communities beyond physical barriers.

After Easter, Now What?

The season after Easter is a great time to launch a new small group series or a new Bible study plan, and of course, to launch an outreach project for the church to join and make a major impact.

What Can We Learn From Children’s Ministry in Ecuador?

"When a child’s life is being changed for good, it’s natural for the parents to be willing to help out. "

How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Enhances Your Ministry

When we begin to see the value and blessing from this important sect in ministry, we can develop a deepened appreciation, learning interest and true investment in this element of ministry growth.

‘Together We’

The Lord gave me two words: together we. After that, we penned our mission statement out of Together We: Together we are a reaching, discipling, sending church impacting generations for Christ.

Special Delivery

The outreach entails purchasing the goods most requested by people in need, and packing those items into boxes that volunteers then deliver to food pantries, shelters and underserved neighborhoods.

Community Through Outreach

We want a community, not just a church service.

Help for the Whole Person

A South Carolina Church Meets the Community’s Physical and Spiritual Needs

Reaching for the STARS

Iowa church reconciles at-risk kids with each other

Thinking Beyond the Walls

Offering 'Pop-Up' Church Grows Ministry's Reach