Tag: 12Stone Church Lawrenceville

5 Mistakes That Cause a Slow Leak in Your Influence

Here are small leadership mistakes that slowly erode a leader's influence over their team.

6 Ways to Boost Your Leadership Creativity

If you want to boost your creativity as a leader, here are some helpful tips.

5 Foundational Principles for a Strong Volunteer Culture

These practical guidelines will help you create a volunteer-friendly culture at your church or ministry.

How Should a New Leader Handle an Inherited Staff?

The first steps you take as a new leader are crucial to having long term buy-in from your staff. Here are some guidelines.

7 Subtle Ways to Erode Trust As a Leader

Keep an eye out for these tiny compromises that over time can erode a leader's credibility.

4 Emotions That Can Take a Leader Out

Few things are as important for a leader to manage as their emotions. Here are ways to identify and manage your emotions.

4 Guidelines for a Successful Succession Plan

There are many reasons why succession plans fail. Here are four guidelines that will set you up for a healthy transition.

6 Things Leaders Hate Doing (But Need to Do Anyway)

These aspects of leadership may not be fun or exciting, but paying attention to them is essential to success as a leader.