Tag: Thom Rainer

5 Things Dead Churches Teach Us

The churches kept waiting for the silver bullet. The most common silver bullet was a new pastor who would turn things around. The second most common silver bullet was a new youth or children’s minister who would do all the work to reach young people.

Why the Ideal Church Size Debate Is Unhelpful

Church size alone is not an indication of health or unhealth.

When Evangelism Is Missing

What do we lose when a church stops being about reaching nonbelievers?

Time for the Church to ‘Go’

Let’s stop trying to get people to come to church, and instead go to them.

Who Will Tell Them?

7 Common Excuses When Your Church Is Struggling With Evangelism

5 Reasons Church Leaders Might Regret Quitting

There are many reasons they left, but some are having second thoughts.

5 Keys to Reaching and Retaining Guests

How to grow your church in a post-COVID world

Why the Trend of Part-Time Pastors Is Growing

6 realities that are driving the move to bivocational and co-vocational pastoring.