Tag: The Chapel Akron

Pastorpedia: Feeding Your Soul as a Pastor

To minister to others, we must ourselves be healthy.

Pastorpedia: Assessing Your Church’s Effectiveness

How do you know you're succeeding in what you're trying to do?

Pastorpedia: The Hazards of Being a Pastor

Addressing some of the cautions and warnings that all of us need to heed to avoid the wrecks, to guard our hearts, to protect the body of Christ.

Pastorpedia: Clarifying the Gospel

Not everyone among us understands the gospel. It's our responsibility to make it clear.

Pastorpedia: Raising Funds for Special Projects

Proven advice for raising funds for kingdom expansion.

Pastorpedia: Money and Offerings

Here are some tips for addressing the topic of generosity with your people.

Pastorpedia: Inspiring Creativity in the Church

The gospel never changes, but the means of communicating it are always changing.

Pastorpedia: Guarding the Pastor’s Health

Here are the best ways for pastors to create habits of spiritual and physical health.