
Stephen Ko

Not only are incarnational health, worship, and living possible, they are God’s good design.

Mark Glanville

Jazz by its nature as a traditioned, improvised, nuanced, intelligent, conversational art form, is an evocative metaphor for the church in post-Christendom.

John H. Walton

Whatever authority the prophetic words held for the ancient audience they also hold for us.

Andrew Root and Blair Bertrand

The authors show how getting mired in busyness and new programs can keep us from focusing on God. They also explain that while innovation can be great, waiting on the Lord is the solution a church in crisis needs.

Alan Noble

You have the solemn responsibility and privilege to bear witness to the goodness of life by living despite suffering.

J.D. Greear

In the gospel, God offers a different kind of change—not a correction of behavior but a transformation of the heart.

Joshua Rasmussen

The author describes several “construction” problems with constructing any being like you. He then seeks to develop a more complete theory of nature and origin of personal beings.

Jessica Hooten Wilson

In reading other books, we practice reading the Bible; and in reading the Bible, we read other books by that lens.

Lewis Allen and Sarah Allen

In nine sections that each contain a few short chapters, the authors tackle the idea of developing resilient faith through the working of God’s power.

Collin Hansen

This is the story of the people, the books, the lectures, and ultimately the God who formed Timothy Keller.

Michael Reeves

This book challenges Christians to reject legalism that masquerades as devout religion but hides destructive pride, idolatry and even apostasy.