Preaching Life-Changing Sermons
Kregel Publications, 2022
By Jesse Nelson
WHO: Jesse Nelson, a senior pastor in Panama City, Florida, and an adjunct professor at The Baptist College of Florida and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a missionary to Haiti and a missions consultant for the National African American Fellowship of the Southern Baptist Convention.
HE SAYS: “A life-changing preacher does not preach for the popularity; a life-changing preacher preaches for the pleasure of God.”
THE BIG IDEA: This book presents a simple and practical process for expository sermon preparation and delivery.
THE PROGRESSION: Nelson outlines the six foundations of life-changing preaching and shows how each looks in the everyday life of a pastor: Seek the Spirit, Select the Scripture, Study the Scripture, Structure the Sermon, Speak in the Spirit and Share the Savior.
“For the minister unable to attend seminary, Preaching Life-Changing Sermons brings the seminary classroom to the minister’s study.”