Jim Wilder: God, Dallas Willard and the Church That Transforms

Renovated: God, Dallas Willard and the Church That Transforms
(NavPress, 2020)

WHO: Jim Wilder, founder of Life Model Works and a neurotheologian.

HE SAYS: “What delightful harmony emerges between neuroscience and theology if building attachment love is the central process for both spiritual and emotional maturity.”

THE BIG IDEA: Reconciling the church’s practices of transformation to how the brain works.

The 10 chapters explore conversations with the author and Dallas Willard from their Heart and Soul Conference, showing how we can train our brains to relate to God based on joyful, mutual attachment, leading to emotional and spiritual maturity, as our identity and character are formed by our relationship with God.

“By this attachment love that has gone right, I am being pulled free from all the attachments gone wrong.”

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Jim Wilder
Jim Wilder

Jim Wilder is director of Shepherd’s House, the thinker behind the Life Model, and the author or co-author of several books including, most recently, Renovated: God, Dallas Willard and the Church That Transforms.