Brian Sanders: Underground Church

Underground Church
(Zondervan, 2018)

WHO: Brian Sanders, founder and executive director of the Underground Network.

HE SAYS: “What makes a group of people a church is that they worship together, are committed to each other and undertake mission together.”

THE BIG IDEA: We can rethink what church looks like by centering the mission of the church around the callings of individuals to outward ministry.

In trying to describe the Underground community, the author discerned three elements that were necessary for success: courageous ideas, courageous people and courageous structures. For that reason he divided the book into three parts: brave ideas, brace people and brace structures.
The author shares the real-life story of the UNDERGROUND and explores how to make structural changes in the church, how to rethink leadership, how to fund ministries and how to better engage people in God’s mission.

“Sometimes it is best to start with only an invitation to pursue God together.”

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Brian Sanders
Brian Sanders

Brian Sanders is founder and executive director of the Underground Network.

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