
Renovate by Innovating

It sounds so simple, but it will take grit to overcome self-doubt and strategic decline to push forward with an innovative spirit to reach the community and bless them as the hands and feet of Christ.

Create Community Through Technology

There are five practical ways in which I have personally seen my church transform from Sunday gatherings only to table fellowship that extends fellowship well into the week.

Flee, Fight, or Pray?

Fleeing may not be the answer, but falling on one's knees in open repentance to God for their part in the disagreement enables healing to begin in one's heart.

Why Make a Schedule as a Ministry Professional?

The ins and outs of planning your week of ministry

Answering the Call

Jesus is knocking on the hearts of his church to see if they will become what he desires for them to be in this season of ministry.

Resetting Your Expectations

If we see Jesus' current work disconnected from our expectations based on the biblical record, our faith and ability to lead can be crippled.

3 Steps to Future Ministry Success

Adapt your current style of ministry to fit the God-size dream inside of you.

The Power of Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational leadership is not just one key among many; it is the key that turns the other keys.

Pleasing God or Pleasing People

Overcoming the drive toward people-pleasing as a pastor

What You Need to Know About 501(c)(3) Compliance

What could be at stake if you don't comply with the IRS' requirements for tax-exempt churches?

Trading in a Dream for a Vision

A good plan feeds the leader's courage to leave the safe harbor and begin to discover and explore.