
A Churchwide Program for Invitational Evangelism
By Debi Nixon with Adam Hamilton (Abingdon)

“Catch uses elements of both missional and attractional approaches by making sure your congregation and facilities are inviting and welcoming to any persons you want to reach, whether you are serving in the community or holding events at your church. Think about this approach as invitational evangelism. … Invitational evangelism helps you use the best features of both missional and attractional evangelism; but most importantly, it will give you practical ideas and tools for making sure your church is welcoming when the outsiders and newcomers arrive at your church.” Debi Nixon and Adam Hamilton, from the book

To order from Catch: A Churchwide Program for Invitational Evangelism Program (Guide with DVD) »

9 Things to Remember in a Church Crisis

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Striking Back With the Gospel

We must mobilize Christian teenagers to share the Gospel with love, passion, and urgency.