Missional Communities

Missional Communities:
The Rise of the Post-Congregational Church
By Reggie McNeal (Jossey-Bass)
A 2012 Outreach Resource of the Year

“This isn’t an academic manual or treatise on the theological underpinnings of the missional movement. Plenty of those have been written, and they have their place. This book, on the other hand, fills a much-needed void in that it is incredibly practical. Reggie McNeal defines missional communities in a couple very succinct and easily understandable chapters (perhaps bringing more clarity than I have read anywhere else). The rest of the book is filled with stories of groups of people who are experimenting with missional communities in real and substantive ways. As a megachurch pastor who is deeply committed to impacting our region through missional communities, I found this book to be a resource filled with gold.” —Tim Stevens, from the March/April 2012 issue of Outreach magazine

To order from Amazon.com: Missional Communities: The Rise of the Post-Congregational Church »