Tag: Prison Ministry

Finding True Freedom

The ministry volunteers start by asking facility staffers about their needs. They then focus on building a ministry that serves those particular needs, and provide a consistent faith community within the correctional facility.

Bible Training Behind Bars

Sugar Creek conducts Wednesday night worship services at the unit and offers a Malachi Dads program designed to help incarcerated fathers learn how to be effective parents.

Reconciling Incarcerated Parents With Their Children

Lifeline Global Ministries restores families of incarcerated fathers and mothers through curriculum and a one-day Returning Hearts event.

The Church Inside: A New Movement in America’s Prisons

Tracking the powerful innovations that are changing the landscape of prison ministry today

Advocating for Justice That Restores

We need to take another look at our prison system and our astronomical rates of incarceration.

Dominique DuBois Gilliard: Rethinking Incarceration

Advocating for Justice That Restores

Try This: Visit Nursing Homes and Prisons During Easter

Take Easter to those who can’t come to church.

Oklahoma Prison Ministry Gives Inmates New Hope Through Christ

The ministry at Destiny Life Church provides discipline, hope and discipleship to inmates.