Tag: Paul Pastor

Luis Palau: A Faithful Legacy—Part 2

"God gave you your ministry to take care of it for him. It is more than a job. It is a calling, and a grand one."

Shann Ray Ferch: The Reconciling Power of Servant Leadership—Part 1

Shann Ray's journey from professional basketball player to poet and professor of leadership and forgiveness studies

Shann Ray Ferch: The Path to Reconciliation—Part 2

"In a beloved relationship, the one who has done harm must come to listen and be ready to ask for mercy and commit to change in order to restore the dignity of the other group or person."

David Platt: Reproducing Church, Transcendent Community—Part 1

"Unless we’re going to disobey Jesus, we must prioritize making disciples and multiplying churches."

David Platt: Living a Life That Counts—Part 2

“Our heritage as a church is running toward need, not away from it.”

Eric Geiger: Making the Most of the Moment—Part 1

“Christianity has become more tribal. It’s challenging to shepherd people from so many different viewpoints, but it’s also beautiful.”

Eric Geiger: Pivoting to Meet People Where They Are—Part 2

“The Lord runs to the brokenhearted. So I always feel my first response needs to be to run to them too, to let my heart break with theirs.”

Dave Ferguson: Collaboration Is the Future—Part 1

Church multiplication will require a spirit of collaboration.