Tag: pastoring

Pastorpedia: Values, Goals and Your Church

Do We Need Them? Or Do We Just ‘Follow God’?

Pastorpedia: Weak Spots for Pastors

The weaknesses pastors can easily slide into if they're not careful

Pastorpedia: How Do We Honor Seniors and Church Veterans?

Recognizing the people who have invested long-term in your church

Pastorpedia: What Counts as Discipleship?

What does discipleship look like?

Pastorpedia: Racial and Political Prejudice

How should we talk about issues of politics and race in our churches?

Pastorpedia: Pastoring During COVID

Advice on pastoring in these difficult times

10 Ways I Keep My Passion to Pastor

"As God leads you, follow with willingness. And as you become more passionate, so will the congregation you lead."

13 Pastor Mistakes That Hinder Growth

"Here are 13 common mistakes that lead to sluggish growth, or even decline. Fix these and watch what happens."