Tag: Michelle Sanchez

E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

Colorful Compassion

What Jesus praised as the very paragon of love is compassion across boundaries of difference.

Michelle Sanchez: Become All Flame

We know that the most powerful way for us to witness to God’s presence in the world is to be consumed by his presence.

Michelle Sanchez: Chosen by God

It is because partnership is God’s chosen way that we now have the privilege of becoming “God’s fellow workers” (1 Cor. 3:9).

Discipleship as Inner Healing

We who lead would do well to regularly pursue healing. We are disciples of Jesus before we are leaders of people.

Michelle Sanchez: Start With Sabbath

Forming a regular practice of resting in Christ is vital to our spiritual health and flourishing.

The Real Work

We must take responsibility for our part in God’s mission, of course, but let’s never forget that the real work is God’s work.

Michelle Sanchez: Becoming Beloved Community

Jesus shed new light on what agape looks like by establishing himself as the standard for agape love. In the end, we will best build beloved community as we love just like Jesus loved us.