Pastors indicate more variety in who is involved in creating their church’s budget. Most say the trustees or church board (77%), the treasurer (69%), the pastor (61%) and a finance or stewardship committee (58%) are involved in creating the budget.
Church changes often follow a residential move. Three in 5 (60%) churchgoers who’ve switched churches say they decided to attend their current church due to a residential move.
Pastors at the largest churches (those with 250 or more in attendance) are the least likely to say the economy has somewhat or very negatively impacted their churches this year (34%). They are also the most likely to report that giving levels are above those in 2022 (57%).
As people interact with the world around them, their beliefs about the world and their place in it stem from their understanding (or misunderstanding) of the character of God. And most churchgoers believe God wants them to prosper financially.
Similarly, younger pastors, those 18-44, are the most likely to say they’re very familiar with deconstruction (36%), while pastors 65 and older are the least likely to possess that same level of familiarity (12%).
Compared to 2019, fewer churchgoers today see video streaming as a valid replacement for physically attending church when sick or caring for someone who is sick (76% v. 69%), traveling (60% v. 48%), too far away to attend (45% v. 38%) and when they get up late (36% v. 24%).