Tag: Kelly M. Williams

Finding the Courage to Repent of Sin

It takes courage each day to face who we really are and ask God for the grace to become who he has created us to be.

Living Your Calling Courageously

Lessons on calling from the life of Jeremiah

Palm Sunday and the Gospel

A reminder of God's deep love for you

Living in the Peace of God

Where to find the peace of God in the circumstances of life

Finding God’s Peaceful Encouragement

Stand firm in the Lord.

The Key to Peace in the Midst of Overwhelming Anxiety

Where to find peace when it's in short supply

Why the 40/60 COVID Church Is Here to Stay

The pandemic has permanently shifted the way we think about in-person and online church attendance.

Becoming an Encourager for Others

It is easy to lose hope. It is easy to give up. It is easy to see what isn’t. It takes courage to see what it is and can be.