Tag: James Emery White

The Danger of Confusing Tactics and Strategy in Leadership

Many a church leader has confused tactics with strategy to their church's detriment.

The Number of Books You Read Is Largely Irrelevant

It’s not the number of books you read, but rather the quality and importance of the books you read and how well you read them.

America Lacks Moral Formation

Psychology has replaced morality in terms of how to raise children. While psychology is all well and good, it’s goal – and specialty – is mental health, not moral growth.

Resolutions Straight from Scripture

We make resolutions because we want to bring change to bear on our circumstances. We want to improve ourselves and our quality of life.

Leadership Lessons from Archery

We forget the wisdom of the old Chinese proverb that says, “A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step.”

Does Your Gift-Giving Include Jesus?

I know that you are bombarded with requests to give to a number of causes over the holiday season. Many might be worthy, but most will not represent truly giving to Christ.

Church Without Walls

“We need to look at inviting people in online or even creating opportunities for people to be digital missionaries, sharing Jesus in digital and virtual spaces.” —Jeff Reed

5 Questions Every Church Must Ask

For our churches to have a future, we must be willing to ask ourselves these foundational questions.