Tag: InterVarsity Pres

A Practical Theology of Leading for the Body of Christ

More than any other community, the church is recognized by the ways people who are marginalized, especially people with disabilities, are included and honored in her midst.

A Life of Love

The invitation is not to begin with external markers of success. It is to first receive. To first wait on God’s life and healing before we heal others.

Beyond the Creation-Evolution Debate

Overlaying the maps of these two intellectual worlds—the Bible’s and evolutionary science’s—will show us the various routes they each forge to conceptualize the world we know today.

Surrounded Leadership

Sometimes big change masquerades as small change. We go to the meetings as we are directed by our electronic calendars, but we increasingly see these commitments and our to-do lists as God’s call on our time as we develop these priorities in prayer.

Rise and Lead

Do not settle for longing for the past or even managing what is now. Instead, rise and lead.

Wake Up, Guys

The church as an institution is sick. Some may object, “It’s not the church that’s sick, it’s the culture!” But the church should be better than the culture in this regard. As Christians, our first and primary concern should be the righteousness of the church community.

Life Includes a Great Deal of Suffering

You may never experience long-term, intense depression or anxiety, but there will very likely be a period of your life when you feel something similar, as if you are a ghost haunting your own life.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Spiritual Growth

The panelists thoughtfully evaluated each submission and chose one or more as an Outreach Resource of the Year, then highlighted other titles as “Also Recommended.” Here are the winners in the Spiritual Growth category.