Ministry Breakthrough: What's Your Story?

Ministry breakthroughs with eternal, kingdom significance are happening across the country. They are stories of moments when outreach ministry reached a new level and transformed the churches involved. They are stories that offer everything from practical steps that others may be able to replicate to inspiration that encourages and fuels a drive to continue working toward another breakthrough that has yet to be achieved. And these stories, many of them unknown and under the radar, are worthy of celebration.


The January/February 2010 issue of Outreach magazine profiled five stories of ministry breakthroughs:  How a bivocational pastor’s new vision revived a waning church. How the power of prayer is creating new opportunites for outreach and evangelism. How a small-town church increased its visibility and influence in the community. How a rural church led the way in racial reconciliation. How a study of the Good Samaritan mobilized a congreation to take on societal problems.


Read the story from Michigan’s Spring Lake Wesleyan Church »


We want to hear what’s happening in your church. E-mail us!

James P. Long
James P. Long

James P. Long is the editor of Outreach magazine and is the author of a number of books, including Why Is God Silent When We Need Him the Most?