(Christian Newswire)—Every two seconds, a child somewhere in the world is orphaned. The pandemic of homeless and orphaned children is growing at an astonishing rate, leaving 145 million children orphaned or displaced globally.
Now, there is a new effort underway to bring more awareness and recognition to the plight of orphans and displaced children around the world through World Orphans Day, observed on the second Monday in November.
World Orphans Day 2009 is an initiative of The Stars Foundation, which works to create a better, safer, more secure environment for orphans both domestically and in the developing world.
This year, World Orphans Day will be celebrated through a variety of grassroots efforts led by students, churches and businesses that include prayer walks and vigils, prayer balloon lifts, candlelight vigils, concerts and more—all designed to encourage the public to bring food donations and celebrate local proclamations in honor of World Orphans Day.
The annual project also has the support of well-known Ambassadors of Goodwill that include Michael English, Stella Parton, Clifton Davis, Buddy Jewell, Jeff Bates and Adam Gregory. They have committed to using their talents to raise awareness of World Orphans Day and support fundraising efforts through The Stars Foundation.
“We encourage humanity to embrace the power of one. If one person just gives hope through a loving act of kindness to a hurting child, if one civic or church group adopts an orphanage or school in an underdeveloped country, if one city adopts a village in Africa, if one nation could mobilize a grassroots effort to feed the hungry children, we could rise and soar as eagles together as a global community,” said Cheryl Clemmons, Founder, The Stars Foundation and World Orphans Day.
“Sky Angel has joined with The Stars Foundation in support of World Orphans Day because we know how vital the need is and we want to assist this important outreach effort. So many children need our help and if we each do something, the world can become a place filled with hope for those who have none,” said Tom Scott, president of Sky Angel and honorary chairman of World Orphans Day 2009.
Learn how you can get involved and make a difference by visiting the World Orphans Day Web site, WorldOrphansDay.com.