COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Christian Newswire)—A recent study highlighted in the Wall Street Journal reports that 49% of grandparents in America babysit their grandchildren once a week, with 90% babysitting their grandchildren more since the recession. Cavin Harper, founder of the Christian Grandparenting Network, believes that this increase in time is a God-ordained opportunity for grandparents to contribute something he believes to be largely lacking in childhood education today: moral instruction.
Harper says: “Grandparents sometimes think they lack the ability or the time to have a real influence on the moral development of their grandchildren, but this latest Wall Street Journal report refutes that. After all, the recession has shifted who grandkids are spending their time with. More and more, children’s everyday lives—and how they view the world and questions of right and wrong—are being shaped by grandparents.”
Harper believes that grandparents need to be intentional in recognizing and utilizing this increased time. Harper says: “It’s all too easy to fall into babysitting more, and turning to the TV set and kids’ videos to fill up the time. But grandparents should see this extra time as a God-given opportunity for which we will be held accountable. Did we talk about God with our grandkids? Did we read them books that build a good moral foundation? One day the recession will end, but the foundation we have the opportunity to lay during this time can last forever.”
Oct. 23-24, Harper’s Christian Grandparenting Network is hosting a Christian Legacy Conference in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, with workshops by accredited counselors, pastors, authors and speakers that focus on foundations of grandparenting, healthy family relationships, reconciliation and creative ideas that will help parents and grandparents impact their children and grandchildren.
To discover more about CGN or find additional ways to build the grandparent-grandchild bond, call Cavin Harper at (719) 522-1404.
The Christian Grandparenting Network promotes effective grandparenting which is intentional about helping children and grandchildren know and follow Christ wholeheartedly.