Start Planning Early for VBS

Last year, 19 percent of churches said they didn’t host a vacation Bible school because they didn’t have time, according to research by Barna. Chances are good you won’t have more time in 2014 than you did last year, so begin planning now.


Four to Six Months Before VBS

1. Lead your church to begin praying regularly for VBS.

2. Select your VBS director.

3. Set dates for VBS on the church calendar.

4. Determine the audiences for whom you will provide VBS—preschoolers, children, youth, adults, special needs.

5. Prepare the budget and submit it to the church for approval.

6. Set goals for enrollment, prospects and offering.

7. Sample different curricula.

8. Begin recruiting VBS leaders and teachers.

9. Begin to develop your promotion strategy.

Three to Four Months Before VBS

1. Estimate your VBS enrollment and determine class or department organization.

2. Enlist directors and leaders for all Bible study classes and other activities.

3. Enlist a VBS records team leader.

4. Create a VBS Calendar of Events and place activities on the church calendar. Distribute this information to all VBS volunteers.

5. Schedule planning meetings and develop agendas.

6. Guide the VBS promotion team to present the promotion strategy.

7. Plan a VBS kickoff event.

8. Plan pre-enrollment activities.


James P. Long
James P. Long

James P. Long is the editor of Outreach magazine and is the author of a number of books, including Why Is God Silent When We Need Him the Most?