
What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Does God Still Love You?

We cannot earn more of God's love or lose any of it because His love for us is unconditional. He loves us fully and completely, no matter what we do.

Hearing God

But imagine this. What if you had a handwritten note sent to you from God? Would you carry it around in your pocket for a couple of weeks and open it when you got around to it?

Victory — Even When Life Is Too Much

“God was speaking to me,” Eckles said. “I was seeking to be able to see again, to be normal again. But He was saying to seek me first. I was dying inside."

Are You Rebellious — Against Culture?

God reveals things to Christians that unbelievers don’t understand. We know, for instance, that humanity is not basically good. The Bible teaches that humanity is basically sinful.

Only Two Options Regarding Faith

World changers have an active, not passive, faith. Faith is like a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it becomes.

The Case for Making Family Traditions

You are going to be doing these things on the same day every year. And these things will mark this day as one out of the ordinary.

As You Age, Feed Your Mind with an Eternal Perspective

I was struck by the fact that as this woman ages, and honestly faces the reality of death, she is choosing to read books that will prepare her for eternity with Jesus.

Winning the War Against Hopelessness

I believe that small choices that may not seem overtly spiritual can become ways we can encourage ourselves in the Lord.

Worshiping When You’re Weary

Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Praising God

Is Your Marriage Suffering ‘For the Sake of the Cause?’

Fellow pastors, preachers, evangelists, youth leaders, and Christian husbands in general: What does it profit a man to gain the whole ministry world and lose his own marriage?