Tag: Desmond Barrett

Flourishing With a Small-Church Mindset

There is a longing in the world today for people to feel valued. They are valued not for what they can bring to the table but for who they are. God has placed giftings in each person that the local church needs today—many leaders and churches long for authentic relationships that make a person feel seen and heard.

Develop Guests into Future Leaders

Churches that integrate visitors into members have a clear direction of where they are going.

Embracing an Aging Congregation

The people who made up the church had to believe again that God could use them, us, to reach out to the community. The fact of the matter is hard choices had to be made, and it started with reclaiming the property for the Lord.

Put Out the Welcome Mat

There are endless opportunities to turn unused space into community space, but it will take a flexible and agile leadership eye to embrace change.

Repurposing Your Space

The one thing a faltering church typically has is space: empty classrooms, parking lots, education buildings, or offices. How can your local church leverage that area to help the community?

Change Your Church’s Scorecard

The way the world measures effectiveness must not become the way the church does. The scorecard that the church has used for decades has become broken.

How Do You Prepare to Share Jesus?

Prepare your heart by preparing your mind, body and soul. Read the Word, remember the Word, recite the Word, and live out the Word.

Lessons From Two Sisters

Refrain from allowing the distractions of ministry to overwhelm your sense of servanthood by sometimes being served by others.