Tag: ChurchAndCulture.org

Following the Early Church Model… to a Fault

The early Christian church met in homes because they had no choice.

Walking Away From Salvation

The final verdict on anyone’s salvation is when their final breath is taken.

What Does Your Facility Say About Your Church?

Excellence is nothing more and nothing less than doing the best you can with what you have. Which means every church can communicate excellence.

Our Primary Offensive Weapon

All the other pieces of armor are for defense. Only a sword – the Scriptures – has been given to us for offense.

A Life of Single-Minded Passion

I’ve long observed that the natural flow of the human heart is toward itself, rather than toward others. At least I know that it works that way with mine.

Reminders for When You Take Your First Steps

The people you start with may not be the people you finish with. Sad, but true—and yes, painful.

Lessons From My First Ministry Position

People matter to God; therefore, they ought to matter to us. To put it bluntly, we are in the people business.

Preserve the Status Quo or Grow?

Rather than the policies serving the organization, the organization begins to serve the policies. Pretty soon how things are done becomes far more important than what is done.