Tag: Chuck Lawless

How to Keep Going When Your Faith Is Shaken

Review God’s faithfulness in my own life. When I take this step, I generally write a list of the ways God’s always taken care of me. When I see His past-tense care in front of me, it’s a reminder to trust Him with my present-tense questions.

Why Is it Hard for Me to Share Jesus?

We create opportunities by initiating conversations, listening closely to others, and taking those conversations clearly and concisely to the gospel.

My Biggest Ministry Fail

It would be many years before I began to realize how much I needed others. My failure to recognize the beauty of believers serving together cost me much in those early years.

10 Signs You’re Struggling With Arrogance

Markers for self-evaluation

12 Ways I Advocate for the Small Church

Almost everybody sacrificed to pay the bills. We had to, actually. None of us was rich, but our mutual sacrifices produced the offerings we needed to get through each week financially.

10 Tips for Being Slow to Speak and Quick to Listen

I need to listen better to my church members. How can I truly help shepherd them if I don’t know what they’re facing? I need the reminder that shaking hands on a Sunday morning does not equal listening.

Whose Kingdom Are You Promoting?

He expands his kingdom broadly, but not deeply. After all, deeply-developed kingdoms require serious discipleship – and genuine disciples would recognize the problem with a king’s leadership style.

Why Being In Person Matters

It’s good to be with others who are trying to walk the same path. The spiritual battle is real for all of us, but none of us has to walk this road alone. Even though the church is hardly perfect, they’re still colleagues in this journey—and just seeing them in-person can be uplifting.