Tag: Children

The Greatest Youth Church in the World

While Singapore encompasses a unique global context, I believe we can all learn from the attributes cultivated by this groundbreaking church.

How to Disciple Families in a Multiethnic Lifestyle

Children learn about multiethnic relationships from their parents. Here are ways to model healthy relationships.

Relaunching Kids Ministry

Ready, Reset, Go!

The Toughest Parenting Lesson to Embrace

Learning to see our kids' unique gifts

Modeling a Missionary Heart for Our Children

Encouraging kids to follow Christ wherever he leads

The Bible App for Kids Hits 50 Million Installs

Within the first eight months of 2020, the app was installed on more than 14 million unique devices, an increase of 193% compared to the same time frame last year.

6 Tips to Plan a Memorable Summer With Your Kids

Summer is here and yet, many of us feel like we have already had summer because our kids have been home from school or...

Mimi Larson & Robert Keeley: Bridging Theory and Practice in Children’s Spirituality

New Directions for Education, Ministry, and Discipleship (Zondervan)