Kurt Bubna

Kurt Bubna is the founding and Senior Pastor of Eastpoint Church in Spokane Valley, Washington.

Owning Our Scars

Our scars can remind us of more than our past pain

Hope for Those Going Through a Dark Night of the Soul

Though this life is full of difficulty and loss, we have a hope that runs deeper.

Show Them Jesus

Why we must be known primarily for our love and not our politics.

Moving Beyond Compassion Fatigue

We're bombarded daily by appeals from people in need. It's important that we take steps to stave off compassion fatigue.

God Can Use Broken People

Reflections on a Savior Who Loves Us Even When We Don’t Deserve It

Reflecting on a Year of Leadership Mistakes and Forgiveness

In a difficult ministry season, we could all use some grace and forgiveness.

The Uncomfortable Truth About Resilience

As a rule, we would rather take the path of least resistance, but it truly is the narrow and difficult way that leads to life.

Do You Know What Refreshes, Refuels and Restores You?

Are you intentional about rest and recovery?