
Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

Podcasting Ministry the Easy Way

By transforming livestreams into podcasts, ministries can transcend geographical boundaries and time constraints, and build communities beyond physical barriers.

Outreach Resources of the Year: Counseling and Relationships

Written by a physician, The Deepest Place reverberates with heartfelt compassion, clinical understanding and studied, biblical wisdom that will benefit pastors and other ministry leaders involved in counseling.

Global Easter Pastor Prayer Gathering (Apr. 6)

Join Rick and Kay Warren for this global prayer event.

This Year’s Best Books on Spiritual Growth

Evaluated by Glenn Paauw, director of content for the Institute for Bible Reading.

3 Ways a Strong Leader Handles Criticism

We can't control what another person says, but we can control our response.

New Research on Multiethnic Churches

Here are new benchmarks that provide insights into the multiethnic church movement.

Seeing ‘I Still Believe’ Come to Life on Screen

What it was like to see my story acted out.

Generosity by LifeWay Giving Platform Available Free

Churches can create a free custom online giving page that goes live in 48 hours.