
Living a Life That Reflects God’s Heart

By Jim Daly (Zondervan, © 2012)

“When it comes to loving those with whom we disagree on any number of issues—especially issues that have to do with our faith—I sometimes wonder if we really believe what we say we believe and what the Bible professes to be true—that God loves our ‘enemies’ just as much as He loves you and me. … I believe [Jesus] attracted crowds because He had a firm, loving, and gracious nature. And I also believe He drew people to His side because they could sense that He truly and deeply loved them—despite all of their imperfections.” —Jim Daly, from the book

Read an excerpt.

Order from ReFocus: Living a Life That Reflects God’s Heart

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Evangelism and the Privatization of Faith

Make friends, in your own way, and avoid isolating yourself—be open to show and share the love of God.