Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts
What They Are and Why They Matter
(B&H, 2018)

WHO: Thomas Schreiner, the James Harrison Buchanan Professor of New Testament interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

HE SAYS: “Gifts are not for our private enjoyment but for the edification and building up of the church of Jesus Christ.”

THE BIG IDEA: This short, nontechnical presentation of the spiritual gifts would be ideal for anyone who wants an introduction to what the gifts are all about.

The brief, easy-to-read chapters begin with a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the charismatic movement and then follow with definitions of the spiritual gifts.
The authors spends time examining what he terms truths about spiritual gifts, then proceeds to a question-and-answer section.
Next, spends time discussing whether new testament prophecy is mixed with error, the nature of the gift of tongues, and the arguments for and against cessation of the gifts.

“If I have the right view of spiritual gifts, but I don’t have love, then I am nothing.”

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