Tag: Warren Bird

Reviving the Remnants: How a Swedish Church Is Reawakening Its Culture to Faith

As Philadelphia Church opened its doors to provide shelter, what followed was nothing short of remarkable.

Digital Discipleship: Can Churches Grow People Who May Never Attend In Person?

Simply broadcasting the in-person worship service isn’t enough to move people into the relationships and community that’s essential for discipleship.

From Addition to Multiplication

“If a discipling culture runs through a church, then everyone can reproduce themselves in a short time.” -Pastor Victor Adeyemi

Setting the Stage

As the ICF Zurich’s Sunday-evening service grew to about 1,300 mostly Gen Z attendees, Bigger thought, "Why not hand over this service to Gen Z leadership?"

Unlocking Hearts

Over time the church has begun to hold retreats for men’s, women’s and youth ministry—about eight different retreats a year, and each retreat brings the church a new wave of fresh contacts.

Every Believer a Disciple Maker

Matshobane has chosen to pour himself into others and care both for who they are and what they’re doing.

The Joyful Watchman

The best mentorship I give is to get people into the Word and seeking what the Spirit wants to do through it today.

Deeper, Closer, Further

“Finding a way of life with Jesus is at the heart of our teaching.” -Melissa van Biljon