Relational Intelligence

Relational Intelligence:
How Leaders Can Expand Their Influence Through a New Way of Being Smart

By Steve Saccone (Jossey-Bass/Leadership Network, 2009)
“God could have chosen a different way to prove Himself. He could have decided to give us extraordinary powers to heal the sick or help the paralyzed walk. He could have given us the ability to bring sight to the blind, or even given us the ability to coerce people to believe in God. He could have told us how to become superhuman in our talent or intellect. But instead of teaching us to be the loudest with our voices, Jesus invited us to be abundantly free with our love.” –Steve Saccone, from the book

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James P. Long
James P. Long

James P. Long is the editor of Outreach magazine and is the author of a number of books, including Why Is God Silent When We Need Him the Most?

9 Things to Remember in a Church Crisis

Simple factors to keep in mind as you communicate

What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Striking Back With the Gospel

We must mobilize Christian teenagers to share the Gospel with love, passion, and urgency.