Christ and Culture

Christ and Culture
By H. Richard Niebuhr (Harper & Row, 1956)

“A superb piece of analytical writing in tackling what is just about the toughest problem face by Christians. The problem: In what way, or degree, is Christ relevant to the situation in which the Christian must live. … Mr. Niebuhr distinguishes five typical answers to the Christian’s problem of setting the relation between the Christ he calls Lord and the culture which holds him as the sea holds its fish.” —Paul Hutchinson, The New York Times Book Review

To order from Christ and Culture (Torchbooks)


Why the Ideal Church Size Debate Is Unhelpful

Church size alone is not an indication of health or unhealth.

Leading With Kindness

Kindness isn’t weakness, it’s the expression of strength from someone who has something to offer. Kindness is not automatic, it’s a gift that you must choose to give.

Evangelism and the Privatization of Faith

Make friends, in your own way, and avoid isolating yourself—be open to show and share the love of God.