Just a Minute

Just a Minute:
In the Heart of a Child, One Moment … Can Last Forever
By Wess Stafford (Moody, 2012)

“When it comes to “making moments” in the lives of children around us, we need to realize that we very likely may not get to witness the full outcome of our moment until we walk into heaven. We may discover that the brief moment we spent with a child put in motion the greatest accomplishment of our lifetimes! When God says, “Well done,” we will suddenly realize we did the most significant thing from eternity’s perspective in a moment. That spiritual nurturing of a child turned out to be the tiny splash of a pebble in the pond that sent out ripples of blessing for the rest of time, to the very shores of heaven.” —Wess Stafford, from the book

To order from Amazon.com: Just a Minute: In the Heart of a Child, One Moment … Can Last Forever

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