Tag: Raul Rivera

7 Examples of Complicated Books

Creating the proper accounts in the church’s chart of accounts is important.

Your Church Needs Bigger Shoes

The story of Faith Community Church and its SMLLC, Faith Outreach Ventures, showcases the advantages of strategic legal structuring in broadening the influence and efficacy of the church’s mission.

5 Ways to Protect Your Church From an IRS Audit

When scrutinizing your church's activities, confirming that every ministry and department directly corresponds to the church's core mission is essential.

Important Year-End Considerations

There are noteworthy updates and considerations that you should incorporate into your 2023 records.

Identifying Potential Church Leaders

Although you may not feel like it, as the senior pastor, you act as the CEO of your ministry. As such, it is your responsibility to implement leaders that will take on the vision God has given you.

How to Handle Removing a Board Member

Two ways to remove a board member who is no longer supporting you and the ministry

Coming Back From the Brink of Pastoral Burnout

How to recover from burnout

5 Steps to Prepare Your Church for an IRS Audit

How can you safeguard and protect your ministry?