Tag: NavPress

Acceptance Is Critical

I was dumbfounded. Could it be true? Could my experience two weeks earlier have prepped my heart and mind for what God had in store?

Alice Matagora: Everyday Disciples

We need to make disciples, but we aren’t. From the data, it seems that people just lack an awareness or are unfamiliar or uncertain about terms such as discipleship, disciple making and the Great Commission.

Are We Asking the Most Important Questions of Our Lives?

With discernment it is possible to reach the utmost heights with the minimum of exhaustion.

When Disciple-Making Gets Messy

Excerpted from 'How to Save the World: Disciple-Making Made Simple'

Making Disciples Exponentially

What could God do if everyday men and women were faithful to reach even one person in their circle who could then go on to reach someone in their circle?

The Beginning of a New Era

The Scriptures not only reveal everything of who God is but also everything of who we are.

Eugene H. Peterson: The Message New Testament

“The Bible is not only written about us but to us.”

Outreach Magazine Names Resources of the Year

19th Annual Celebration of the Best